Equine Massage

Benefits of Equine Massage

Pain Relief
Increased Range of Motion
Improved Gaits
Reduced Stress and Anxiety
Stimulation of motor nerves

Horse being treated with red light therapy
Signs that your horse may need a massage

Pinning ears, biting or kicking when saddling or riding
Reluctance to move forward during exercise
Difficulty bending to one or both sides
Difficulty picking up correct canter lead
Leg weakness, dragging toes
Tossing head during exercise
Uncharacteristic bucking and/or rearing during exercise
Cold-backed while mounting

What to Expect Before & During Equine Massage

During the initial visit, we will discuss your horse’s health, training goals, any concerns you have and expectations for treatment outcomes. I will observe your horse standing square to identify areas of tension and imbalance. 

Horse are understandably apprehensive when they are massaged for the first time. Some are more receptive than others, but expect some pacing back and forth, pawing and fidgeting in the initial session. Once the horse begins to accepts the treatment, you can expect to observe a number of signs indicating release of tension such as yawning, rolling of the eyes, sticking out the tongue and licking/chewing. 

Before & After the Massage

Feel free to ride your horse before the massage. Have him clean, cooled down and dry before the massage begins. 

Immediately following massage, it is advised to walk the horse for 5 to 10 minutes. It is recommended to not ride for 24 hours after the massage.