Canine Massage

Canine massage is a practice that benefits the health of dogs in a variety of ways. Some of the benefits are: 

Reduces anxiety and stress
Improves circulation and lymphatic flow
Relieves joint pain and muscle tension
Assists digestion and elmination
Strengthens immune system and resistance to disease
Promotes deep breathing and relaxation
Aids kidneys and liver is detoxification

What Owners Should Expect from Canine Massage Therapy

The first session lasts approximately an hour and will consist of me getting to know your dog, questions regarding your dog’s general health, activity level, exercise, details of medical conditions and results expected after treatment. I will observe how your dog moves and see where it might be compensating for weakness, injury or pain.  

We then move onto the actual massage. The initial massage involves palpitation to identify areas of tenderness, tension, muscle atrophy and any trigger points (knots) that are in need of treatment. With the first massage, the amount we do directly relates to how well your dog tolerates the massage. Some dogs take longer than others to settle down and enjoy the massage. I try to work on all areas of the dog’s body so I can give you as complete an analysis as possible of what needs to be treated going forward.

Upon completion of the massage, I will provide you with stretches or exercise recommendations (if applicable) and a written report of my findings. 

After the Massage

As your dog’s body restores its natural balance and begins to heal, you may notice what is referred to as “The Healing Crisis”. Your dog may feel worse for the first 24-48 hours after the massage. The body is simply going through the process of cleansing itself of impurities, toxins and muscular imbalances. It is perfectly normal for you dog to sleep for a longer period than normal and will most likely drink more water. These are all positive signs that the massage is having the desired effect.